VIDEO - 5 min 14 s
Bernadette Pinel-Alloul is a tenured professor and chair of the Département de sciences biologiques de l'Université de Montréal. She is part of the Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en limnologie et en environnement aquatique (GRIL).
Using a Niskin bottle, water is collected at specific depths to study the presence of zooplankton.
The zooplankton sample is preserved in a transparent bottle.
A cantilevering vertical tow net is used to sample zooplankton in a specific stratum of the water column.
The zooplankton is then put into a transparent bottle.
Zooplankton can be collected at specific points in the water column using a Schindler-Patalas trap.
The Schindler-Patalas trap is also emptied into a transparent bottle.