Lake Saint-Pierre, a fluvial lake that is part of the St. Lawrence River, is a vast aquatic ecosystem that stretches from the Berthier-Sorel islands to Trois-Rivières.
Solitary Sandpiper
Lake Saint-Pierre’s designation as a Ramsar site in 1998 indicates its significance among wetlands worldwide.
In 2000, UNESCO designated Lake Saint-Pierre as a Biosphere Reserve to highlight the quality of its natural environment and the efforts that have been taken to preserve this unique ecosystem.
Water transparency is measured with a Secchi disk. The greatest depth at which the disk remains visible is recorded.
Light penetration of water is measured using a LI-COR photometer.
The biologists take the measures of the LI-COR photometer.
An oxygen probe measured dissolved oxygen and water temperature.
The Hydrolab multi-meter probe indicates the amount of dissolved oxygen as well as the water temperature, conductivity and pH.
The Niskin bottle is used to collect water samples at a specific depth.
Samples of algae (phytoplankton) are preserved in a brown container. This avoids exposing the sample to light, which could alter the amount of chlorophyll-a in the algae.
Transparent containers are used to preserve samples of zooplankton and to collect water for nutrient analysis (nitrogen,phosphorus, carbon).
VIDEO - 6 min 18 s
Richard Carignan is a tenured professor at the Département de sciences biologiques de l'Université de Montréal. He is part of the Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en limnologie et en environnement aquatique (GRIL).
The Ramsar Convention on Weltlands
Biosphere Reserves - UNESCO
Réserve de la biosphère du Lac-Saint-Pierre